How can yoga for back pain relief be useful? Let’s dig deep into it

Yoga is ancient and so do the back pain. Yoga for back pain relief may seem tricky but yoga is the ultimate cure for it.

We do lots of back pain exercises but there are many yoga exercises that are equally effective and efficient.


Practicing yoga exercises for back pain is a common scene in today’s scenario in our society. There are many asanas for the lower back pain that are equally effective too.

Yoga exercises are sacred you just can’t simply ignore the importance of practicing it. Most of the people they go for medicines and other artificial things for back pain.

But yoga exercises stand tall among all the other ways of getting rid of back pain. Looking for a cure? Yoga for back pain is the ultimate answer for it.

If you want to go to yoga for back pain? Just go for it in a heartbeat without thinking twice.  None of the other back pain exercises will have the same effect as yoga exercises.

How yoga asanas benefits in back pain relief 

Opting yoga for back pain is not a big deal but have you ever thought that how yoga for back pain can be beneficial for you?

There are many asanas for lower back pain along with the other yoga exercises for back pain that are practiced.


According to a census report, back pain ranks second among the causes because of which a person visits a doctor.

In recent past, there are many of the studies held on yoga and its effect on certain diseases. According to the studies, they concluded that yoga for back pain treatment is relevant and significant.

But you can’t simply try all the yoga exercises for back pain treatment. As there are some specific asanas for the lower back pain that will be helpful.


Like some of the studies have shown that if you practice yoga at least twice a day for eight weeks, it will increase your flexibility, endurance, and strength.

And these components are the basic things by which you can rehabilitate yourself from back pain. So, if you are ingraining it through yoga exercises then why not to embrace it to the fullest use.

Various benefits of yoga in back pain

Practicing yoga for back pain is a really beneficial. As yoga exercises for back pain have shown its real worth time and again.

There are many asanas for the lower back pain that really eases the process of back pain if practiced daily.

There are many of the yoga exercises used as back pain exercises across the globe. Hence here are some of the benefits of yoga for back pain which are as follows:

  • Strengthens your back:

    There are many yoga exercises for back pain that increases the strength of your back.

Yoga exercises help in strengthening some of the very specific back muscles. As there are various holding exercises that help in the majority of it.


When your muscles of the back are strengthened then it also helps you to maintain a proper upright position.

There are several back pain exercises of yoga that are being practiced on a daily basis by the people.

  • Improves your stretching:

It’s not a hidden fact that yoga improves the stretching ability of an individual. A person suffering from back pain develops a stiff back.

Practising yoga for back pain can really help you to get a flexible back. The more you have a flexible back the lesser you are prone to back pain.

Yoga for back pain in pregnancy

As said earlier yoga is eternal and so do the yoga exercises for back pain during pregnancy. Yoga exercises are the best answer to almost all the problems during pregnancy.


There are many effective asanas for lower back pain during pregnancy period. These asanas for lower back pain during pregnancy has truly proved their mettle during this crucial period of time.

Yoga for back pain during pregnancy is the healthiest means of exercises one can do. So, here are the some of the yoga for back pain exercises during pregnancy which is as follows:

  • The goddess pose:

This is the best back pain exercises during pregnancy period. This pose will make your legs strong to bear the extra weight you carry.

One of the best stretching yoga exercises for back pain if you just sit and pass your time whole day.


Try moving your feet apart; more than your shoulder width, your toes should face outward direction.

Try bending your knees and come down in the squat position.  Start raising your hands by keeping the face of your palm inside.

Along with your position try holding your breath according to your capacity.

  • The wide squat pose:

These kinds of yoga exercises are best for maintaining balance, especially during pregnancy period.

The wide squat pose is the best type of yoga for back pain. The standing position will be wider than hip-width.


You need to come down in full squat position. Try pressing your knees from both the elbows; do not forget to maintain a straight back.

Now, hold this position along with your breadth according to your holding capacity.

Yoga for back pain in old age

You must be thinking that is yoga for back pain is only for the people who are young? Well as I said yoga is eternal and universal, so it is for all.

There are many back pain exercises that are being done as asanas for lower back pain for elderly people.


Yoga for back pain comes on the list of very few exercises that can be done by the people of any age group.

We aren’t getting any younger so, the main thing that we need to focus is the way we do it not how much we do it.

So, here are the some of the asanas for lower back pain for people of old age which are as follows:

  • Trikonasana or the triangle pose:

One of the most used asanas of yoga for back pain during old age. When we enter the old age we generally develop hip problems.


These kinds of yoga exercises for back pain during old age are really beneficial for all. Trikonasana is really helpful to strengthen your hip and also stretches the hip region.

Along with the hip, it also helps in regulating the blood pressure which is a common problem during old age.

  • Shishuasana or the child pose:

One of the best yoga exercises for back pain during old age. The Shishuasana helps you to relax the nervous system.


If you talk about yoga for back pain then this is your best move to get rid of it.  It helps in the total relaxation of back

Best yoga for lower back pain

Lower back pain or scientifically called as the pain in the lumbar region. Considered to be one of the most sensitive regions of the back which is always prone to backaches and other complicacies.

There are many useful back pain exercises that are done to get rid of it. And if you are suffering from lower back pain then yogic asanas for lower back pain is the best answer for it.

Hence, here are the some of the best yoga exercises or asanas for lower back pain which are as follows:

  • Supine twist:

One of the most common and easiest means of yoga for back pain that is being practiced by all.

This kind of yoga exercises for back pain is most preferred one among the common mob. Just you need to lay down on an even floor and relax and rest will be done by the gravity itself.

Just lay on your back and keep your arms forming a t-shape against the floor. Slowly bring both your knees towards your chest.

Try keeping your neck neutral and take both your knees towards your left in a twisting manner form your waistline.

Ensure your both the shoulders are on the floor while you are performing this movement.  And repeat the same movement on the other side as well.

  • The sphinx pose:

When it comes to toning the back muscles nothing can match the intensity of sphinx pose. The sphinx pose comes under one of many asanas for lower back pain. Practised commonly as back pain exercises one of the best back stretching exercises.


Lay down on an even floor against your stomach. Keep both your elbows under the line of shoulders.

If you feel too much of pressure on your elbows then try moving your elbow forward. Keep your back straight and relax your body on the floor.

Best yoga poses for back pain

  Yoga for back pain is the best way to tackle the menace of lower back pain through back pain exercises.

Hence, here are the some of the various yoga poses for lower back pain which is as follows:

  • The downward facing dog pose:

One of the most practiced yoga exercises for back pain. This pose helps you to lengthen and decompress the spine.

Along with the spine, it also stretches the hamstring muscles. So, this kind of yoga exercises has got multiple uses for the seekers.


Place your palms and feet flat on the ground and bring them as close as you can. Lift the middle portion of your body upwards and try raising it by keeping your back straight.

Slowly try bringing your both the legs closer to your palms. This will help you to feel more stretch on your back along with your hamstrings.

  • The thread and the needle pose:

Want to try yoga for back pain? The thread and the needle is the best pose you can opt for. Here you need to keep your hips tight so that the whole movement can be executed from the back.


Just come in the supine position on an even floor. Put your feet flat on the ground. Place your right ankle on your left thigh.

Throughout the whole pose, the legs will be flexed.  Now repeat the same movement on the other side.

Yoga for back and neck pain

The back pain and neck pain can be complementary sometimes. As the person suffering from either of the diseases and have the remaining one as well.

Telling your friends this combo is very much severe then it looks. You must have heard about yoga for back pain and must have done some of the back pain exercises as well.

Like in modern office works you need to stick down in front of computer whole day long. These kinds of jobs basically affect the neck and the back severely.

There are many poses and yoga exercises that can help you to strengthen your neck and back muscles.

Hence, here are the some of the most practiced yoga for back and neck pain which are as follows:

  • The locust pose or Salabhasana:

This pose has given the best results when we talk about back and neck pain together. For this, you need to lie on the floor against your stomach.


Raise your chest from the floor along with your shoulder and head. On the other hand, you need to keep your pelvis, stomach, and feet totally flat on the floor.

Now, try taking your both hands back totally parallel to the floors that you can hold both the hand.

Look forward slightly upwards and hold this position for 30 secs to a minute.

  • Bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:

For this pose, you need to come in supine position. Lie in such a way that your shoulders should touch the floor.

Now bring your knees upwards and without removing the contact from the ground try moving your feet backward.


Lift your hips up by keeping both hands and legs on the floor. Feel the stretch on the thighs and make a bridge like a figure in the same position.

Try holding this position for minimum 30 secs to 1 minute.

Yoga exercises for back pain

Yoga for back pain relief is a common scenario nowadays. As people have adopted many of the yoga exercises in their daily life to cure back pain.

Hence, here are some of the back pain exercises from yoga that we practice in our daily life which are as follows:

  • Bhujangasana or the cobra pose:

Comes among the best yoga exercises for back pain. one of the effective back pain exercises that have given huge positive results in curing back pain.

Come in pro-line position. Keep your leg in such a way that the top part of your feet should be totally flat on the floor.

Keep your palms on the floor in the line of the shoulders. Now lift your upper body up by keeping the back, stomach, legs and the feet as it was earlier.

Make sure you straighten your arms fully and put your head back a little. Now hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

  • Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana or Dolphin Plank:

Come over the floor in pro-line position. Lift your body parallel to the floor by pressing your elbows on the floor along with the forearm.


Both the feet will be fully straight behind you with the toes firmly placed on the floor. That means your whole body will be placed only on forearms, elbows, and toes.

After maintaining the final position, hold it for a minute or half.

Yoga for upper back pain

People think that only the lower back pain is severe but the upper back pain is equally severe and traumatic.

Hence, here are the some of the most effective yoga for back pain (upper) which are as follows:

  • Bow pose:

One of the most famous back pain exercises that are done to get rid of the upper back pain. Yoga exercises are equally effective to cure the menace of upper back pain as it does to lower back pain.

It helps in compressing most of the internal organs which also helps in the digestive process.  Just keep your left hand away with the elbow tangled into right knee.

Keep your other hand on the floor or the mat.

Yoga poses for upper back pain relief

There are many yoga exercises for back pain. But the thing is you can just use the same set of yoga exercises for both upper and lower back pain problems.

In bow pose, you need to wrap a strap covering your feet and keep up an open chest. If you want to stretch the whole of your upper body then this is your shot to take.

Along with the upper back, it also benefits the ankles.

  • Seated twist:

To get rid of a stiff back this ranks in the top of all back pain exercises that we know or come across.


Hence, here is the list of the best yoga poses for upper back pain which are as follows:

  • Bharadvaja’s Twist
  • Big Toe Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Cat Pose
  • Cobra Pose
  • Cow Pose
  • Crow Pose
  • Dolphin Plank Pose
  • Dolphin Pose
  • Downward-Facing Dog
  • Easy Pose
  • Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose
  • Firefly Pose
  • Half Frog Pose
  • Half Lord of the Fishes Pose
  • King Pigeon Pose
  • Locust Pose

Yoga for lower back and hip pain

There are many of the asanas for the lower back pain that is being done to get cure lower back pain. But along with yoga for back pain, there is also yoga for hip pain which is equally effective.


Hence, here are the some of the few yoga for lower back and hip pain which people practice daily are as follows:

  • Utthan Prithasana or Lizard –Lower Lunge
  • Baddha Konasana or Bound Ankle Pose
  • Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose
  • Eka Pada Rajakapotasana or Pigeon Pose
  • Ananda Balasana or Happy Baby
  • Agnistambhasana or Fire Log Pose
  • Utkata Konsana or Goddess Pose
  • Malasana or Garland Pose

Yoga stretches for lower back pain

Yoga for back pain is very much effective and so does the yoga stretches for lower back pain. These stretches are very much effective in treating the lower back pain.


Hence, here is the list of the yoga stretches for lower back pain which are as follows:

  • Spine Lengthening
  • Spine Stretch
  • Stretching the spine backward and forward
  • Twist the spine
  • Fist forward bend
  • Downward dog
  • Wall Plank
  • Pigeon Pose
  • Child Pose
  • Back stretch

Is yoga good for lower back pain?

Yoga for back pain especially for lower back has been proving its utility since long back. It’s a proven fact that doing yogic asanas for lower back pain has relived many of the sufferers.

Yoga for back pain increases that strength of the lower back. As lack of strength is one of the main reasons to have back pain.


Along with the back muscles yoga also strengthens the abdominal muscles as well. As both back and abdominal muscles are very important for maintaining a healthy spine.

Yoga for back pain relief also incorporates a great level of flexibility among the seekers. Along with strength you also need a flexible back to get rid of back pain.

Through yoga, you can relax your lower back and it will surely give you a soothing effect. With some good stretching exercises in your daily regime, your blood flow may also increase.

So, friends if you are suffering from lower back pain then without any second thought you can go for yoga. It will surely give you soothing results.

When should I do yoga for back pain?

Yoga for back pain can be done in the morning time just before breakfast. When you wake up you can go for a brisk walk and you can take a shower too.


Start your day with yoga can really help you in getting rid of the lower back pain. If you can’t get up early morning then the second best timing for you will be during the evening time around sunset.

Do remember to practice yoga for back pain relief in a quiet place where you have the access to fresh air. As the concentration part is very important in doing yoga asanas for lower back pain.

Hence, these were the some of the best yoga poses and asanas for back pain, for more updates always visit


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